19. Reinventing Yourself (Part 1) :: Thierry Augustin

Artisans & Trade Podcast: Thierry Augustin

Episode 19: Reinventing Yourself (Part 1)

Guest: Thierry Augustin

Synopsis: Thierry Augustin is an E-Commerce email strategist and the founder of Sent, a digital marketing agency helping leading fashion and beauty brands keep more customers by implementing impactful email and SMS marketing strategies. Before founding his company, he was a voracious consultant in menswear, and before that, the business mind behind Genteel Flair, a creative startup & online menswear journal which afforded him many opportunities to work closely with fashion brands as a strategist, content creator, and business consultant. 

In this two-part episode, we revisit his seemingly destined path as a medical practitioner. We talk about what it's like to have the courage to reinvent oneself, the importance of self-education and apprenticeships, taking ownership and creating the life we want for ourselves, how to transform an idea into a business, and finally, we address the ongoing and ever-important work of shifting mindset.

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